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GSP Protection

Adresa: Str. Verii 22

Sector: Ilfov

Oras: Bucuresti


Produsul/serviciul de baza: gsp protection

GSP Protection

GSP Protection va ofera servicii de paza protectie si siguranta in Bucuresti la orice ora in care suntem solicitati.

Deasemenea, va mai punem la dispozitie paza protectie security si supraveghere a imobilelor indiferent de continutul acestora.

Firma GSP Protection a fost deschisa in anul 1997 avand urmatoarele domenii de activitate:
- paza si protectie, conform cod CAEN-8010
- organizarea de forme de invatamant, perfectionare, calificare, recalificare, conform cod CAEN – 8559

Organizarea dupa modelul militar, completarea disciplinei militare cu rigoarea artelor martiale, da serviciilor GSP calitate si siguranta.

GSP Protection este un sistem flexibil si dinamic, caracterizat prin loialitate si fair play, media de varsta fiind de 32 de ani, condus de un antrenor cu specialitate judo si experienta in domeniul militar.

GSP Protection dispune de sala proprie de pregatire, tehnica de autoaparare face parte din “dotarea” defensiva a agentilor, oferind paza protectie a bunurilor de familie.

GSP Protection este un sistem flexibil si dinamic, caracterizat prin loialitate si fair play, cu o medie de varsta de 32 de ani, condus de un antrenor cu specialitate judo si experienta in domeniul militar.

Dispeceratul firmei, prin telefoanele fixe si mobile precum si monitorizarea sistemului tehnic antiefractie certifica 24 din 24 ore siguranta obiectivelor dumneavoastra.

Toate obligatiile legale privind paza bunurilor si valorilor sunt preluate contractual de firma GSP; agentii GSP Protection intervin si pe linia de prevenire si stingere a incendiilor.

GSP Protection are experienta si capacitatea operativa de a va asigura servicii de paza.

Apelati cu incredere la GSP Protection!

General System Protection, was founded in 1997.

It is active currently in the following fields:

- Protection and Security Field according to the CAEN – 8010 Code

- Organizing forms of education, qualifying, requalifying and refresher courses according to the CAEN – 8559 Code

The company’s Organization and Functioning Statute is approved by the General Department of Police with a 0297/P Working License for security, objectives, goods and value.

GSP is organized according to the military standards and discipline, and the strictness of martial arts, providing quality and safety to the GSP services .

GSP has it’s own training hall. The auto defense technique is a part of the agent’s defensive endowment.

GSP is a flexible and dynamic system. It is characterized by loyalty and fair play. With an average enrollment age of 36 years, it is lead by an experienced military and judo trainer.

Our company’s dispatch, through fixed and mobile phones along with a technical anti intruder monitoring system helps to ensure your safety 24 hours a day.